Giveaway Winner + Updates!

Hello Booknerds,

We already emailed the winner of our giveaway so congrats to you! And thank you to everyone who joined.

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I just want to give you guys a heads up that since I just finished my term, I have a break for a week! Which means a lot of posts and reading. We will be catching up on all the book tags and awards all you lovely people tagged us to do. We might be posting our Top Ten Tuesdays even when it’s not Tuesday lol or maybe even start new feature?

September is a very exciting month for us aside from the awesome books to come out namely Queen of Shadows by Sarah J. Maas, Everything Everything by Nicola Yoon and Sweet Temptation by Wendy Higgins. We will be meeting Kiera Cass and Colleen Hoover. WE ARE SO HAPPY AND EXCITED!!!!

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Also, we already reached 100 followers. That’s amazing! Thank you again to this lovely community!!!

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Seriously, we love you.

Giveaway Reminder and More!

Hello Booknerds!

First of all, we’d just like to say a big fat thank you to all the AMAZING people we’ve met. We’ve only been here more or less three weeks but the support and interaction of all you guys are the best. We love fangirling about books with you. Let’s never stop please. NEVER. This is such a great community. We’re glad were finally here!


With that said, we just want to remind you guys that we have an ongoing giveaway. Go and join for a chance to win a $15 book of your choice from the Book Depository! Just a few more days left!